Sunday 19 February 2023

#dungeon23 - more mothership metroidvania

My plan for this dungeon23 sidequest is coming together now:

Mothership metroidvania, second area

This is the second area in section A, where restoring the power will open up routes to section B and (back) through section A to section D. 

There's an area here, 15/2, that will change if the external door override is cut in section C so the landscape will be different if the PCs backtrack through to get to section D.

Restoring the power will also add some gribblies to the encounter table ('cos containing them was why it was shut off in the first place) which I'll come to in a separate post.

There's also a draft table of "what these crew have" and "what these crew need" for generating some roleplay scenarios, also to come in the future... Comments welcome!

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