SWN Quick Characters

This page is an experiment, I hope you enjoy it.

I created this while I was learning JavaScript for work and starting to plan a sci-fi campaign.

I was curious about character generation in the rules I was intending to use, Stars Without Number, so I thought why not do a basic JS generator using the quick rules and see what they come out like?

I had to put some logic in to help smooth a few things out, like allocating skills to "Any" and "Any Combat" selections, and assigning equipment packages in a hopefully logical manner based on the results.

If you're curious the original source is available on Plunker to play around with at plnkr.co/edit/9hxGlbcEPQOBtjpfdHpd

Clicking GO below will generate one of each of the quick archetypes for those who want to get something down quickly. Hopefully one of them will grab you, but if not then just reroll! There should be enough to get the basics down on your character sheet but of course you'll need the book for the details and to finish filling it out!

The second experiment was to see if I could get the JS into a Blogger page and working, which it turns out is possible with a little work. Hope you enjoy, let me know any feedback in the comments and whether you'd like me to try to make any more random generators!

Please note: This generator is fan content based on tables from the free edition of Stars Without Number and no infringement is intended.

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